Monday, June 18, 2007

Why Baggy Pants ?

Well, Joker, Sardar, Blonde are a few words that can make you laugh, even before the joke was told, have you ever noticed, that you can replace the word Sardar for Blonde in any Blonde Joke or vice versa, and still retain the spice / fun quotient of the joke, so, Singh Sahib, Sardarji, and others were out of the question, some basic education told me, (and I think I am right on this one), that I can goto a Thesaurus and find the equal word for something in my head, so head on to Thesauras.Com, punch in Joker, and what comes up, Baggy Pants Man,... aaah revelation.. eureka.. moment.. ooh.... baggy pants sardar.. simply baggy-pants.. Welcome to my new Blog, let's see if I can actually make you laugh.

Some of these Jokes are Jokes, that I think I made myself, some that I come across on a Daily Basis, some well you know, how people can bug you with sms's.

Let's see if I can actually make a career out of stand up.. can I make you laugh ?


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