Saturday, August 11, 2007

Bugging Telemarketers - How to make sure they never call you !!

These are 5 affective steps that have worked for me, try, maybe they work for you as well

1. Keep a note of the numbers of all telemarketing companies calling you. When you get a call from someone, ask them to call you at your office number, and pass on the numbers from your stored list.

2. Pester the Woman to Marry you, and if it's a guy, and you are a guy, tell him you are gay, and you'd love to meet em.

3. If they are offering you a life insurance, tell them that you are dying of A.I.D.S and will want a cover of 10 Crores

4. If they are offering you a Free Credit Card, tell them that you only want the ones you have to pay for, you don't take free things from strangers

5. If the call is about your car insurance, tell them that you just had your car stolen, and want them to insure it because you forgot to renew your last insurance.

Trust me, they will not call you BACK.


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